Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Nuevos diseños flor4u

Tras el rotundo éxito de su primera colección, Flor4u acaba de presentar 3 nuevas colecciones de vinilos decorativos. En sus nuevos diseños cabe destacar nuevamente la elegancia, la sofisticación y la calidad de los vinilos, características a las que ya nos tiene acostumbrados la firma.

Recomendado visitar la galería donde pueden visualizarse fotografías ambientadas de las distintas colecciones en www.flor4u.com

Paredes decoradas con Flor4u

Q-esko Dissenys presenta Flor4u, una colección destinada al mundo del interiorismo y la decoración compuesta de 10 vinilos adhesivos inspirados en el arte floral.

Estos vinilos son aptos para paredes lisas así como para cristal y madera. Los modelos pueden estar orientados a izquierda o derecha y están disponibles en una amplia gama de colores. Existe la posibilidad de diseños personalizados.

Más información en:


Cómo colocar vinilos decorativos

Los vinilos decorativos son la última tendencia a la hora de decorar paredes.
Sin duda, la pregunta que a todos nos surge a la hora de decidirnos a comprar un vinilo decorativo es:

¿Es fácil de colocar un vinilo decorativo? ¿Podré hacerlo yo mismo?
De la mano de MiraEnTuInterior.com, firma dedicada a la venta de vínilos decorativos, os presentamos un video explicativo de como colocarlos. Con él podemos ver que con un poco de paciencia, cualquiera puede hacerlo.

Una vez visto el video y comprobar que no es tan complicado, es hora de hacer un breve repaso a las diferentes colecciones de MiraEnTuInterior.com. Destacamos los vinilos decorativos infantiles, que posiblemente son los más difíciles de encontrar.

Fuente: www.miraentuinterior.com

Color Inspiration: White Christmas

I am dreaming of a white Christmas... glitter and sparkle, stars and tinsel, beautiful chandeliers reflecting the winter light... white linens, silver and gold... mixed with an assortment of evergreens...
White Christmas inspiration
White Christmas inspiration
More color inspiration and
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Magical Handmade Christmas Ornaments

Robin Kranitsky and Kim Overstreet are the artists and designers of these magical handmade Christmas ornaments. Their designs of intricate, stylized pins and precious metal pieces have gained a national reputation and their work has been chosen for museums, private collectors (such as Robin Williams), and galleries across the country.
lost and found1
The creations you see here are smaller versions of their intricate pieces. The result are these amazing ornaments of all kinds of material and personalities. Antique dominoes are magically transformed into beautiful figures. They use light weight materials such as balsa wood and foam as well as items from nature such as pine cones and thorns from plants. Old tins and assorted objects are recycled into an amazing works of art.
lost and found3
Each and every piece is decorated by hand, with added costumes and accessories. Some are innocent and some are slightly mischievous.
lost and found2
Their work can be seen at Quirk Gallery in Richmond as well as the
Va. Museum of Fine Arts during the Picasso exhibition in the Spring 2011.
You can contact them here ~ info@lostandfoundstudio.com.

More holiday inspiration and don't miss the SALE
going on now in my shop ~ Enter this week's giveaway too!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Christmas chairs

What do you think of decorating your dining chairs for the holidays?

It doesn't have to be too ornate

or complicated.
country home

In fact, I think simple is better.
Womans Day

But if you're looking for another
Womans Day

easy and inexpensive (depending on the idea/materials you use)
Country Living

 way to add a festive touch to your dining room or kitchen,
 one of these


could be the ticket...
Menu Holder from Country Living  Photo Susan Gentry McWhinney

Are you looking for a quick slipcover idea for the holidays?  BHG.com suggests making one out of table runners tied with ribbon...

This is a little more work, but I think kids would love these Snowman Chair Covers, and you could use them all winter!

Would you/do you add chair decorations to your list, or do you already have all the decorating you can handle?

Earrings Nation Giveaway!

**Update: Julie, you are the winner ~ Congrats **
Today's giveaway from Earrings Nation is this pair of gorgeous
orchid flower and seafoam glass drop earrings! I wish I could enter myself...
I would wear these with everything.
Today, you can also receive a 10% Discount Storewide. See shop for coupon code.
To qualify for the giveaway, visit Earrings Nation and leave a comment below.

For a second entry, tweet it, blog it, and/or share it on Facebook and
leave the link on a separate comment to increase your chance to Win!

You must follow BB&B via Facebook, bloglovin, or Google friend connect.
Winner will be announced on Friday!
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It's Cyber Monday!

Deals and steals on the web... everywhere you turn. Today is the day to get shopping online. At Crate and Barrel, get 15% off plus free shipping!
Cyber Monday event on Amazon.com 25% off $75.00 orders in shoes.
Cheers wine glasses from CB2- set of 6 - $19.95
"Summer Breeze" watercolor print $18.00 - choose from 35 different prints
An example of the Summer Breeze print framed.
summer breeze framed
Happy Shopping!
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PK Out and About - Linda Thiltgen Designs


When I was out and about this weekend, I ended up at  Stonecrop.  Much to my surprise and delight, I ran into artist Linda Thiltgen.  I knew she was a Minnesota artist who followed my blog, but had never met her.  What a positive, genuine, nice person she is!  We were able to chit chat a little bit about creating, blogging, etc. and it was really fun to meet her.

While I was there I snapped a few photos of some of her creations.  (To learn more about her designs, check out her website.)

I love that everything she does has an inspirational message. These reminders were a perfect way to start out my week!
Hope yours is starting out to be an awesome one...

IMPORTANT NOTE:   I've only heard from one of the giveaway winners.  I'll wait until Wednesday night, 12/1/2010, and then I'll need to choose new winners to replace the ones that I haven't heard from yet. :-(

Monday Inspiration

I just couldn't pass this one up! Everyone is so crazy trying to get their word out in cyber space... Speaking of that, it's Cyber Monday! Coming up next are some great deals and a free giveaway you won't want to miss, so stay tuned.
photo: pinterest
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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Radio City Rockettes Christmas Spectacular

Last year we saw the Radio City Rockettes perform their popular Christmas spectacular show. The Parade of wooden soldiers has to be my favorite number. View this video about the iconic soldier costume or a glimpse at behind the scenes rehearsals. Click here for tickets in New York or a city near you.
More Entertainment and mo
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Etsy 2010 Gift Guide: Cyber Monday deals

Are you looking for deals this season? Check out some of the cyber monday sales going on now on Etsy. Choose from fingerless gloves, a cool bottle stopper, wedding dress note cards, beautiful hoop earrings, ipad sleeves,
and so much more...
Don't miss the SALE in my Etsy shop for original watercolor paintings as well as many prints. See where it all happens ~ view my art studio.
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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Do Something Beautiful

Think of something beautiful to do -

I am pretty tired from the holiday.....
but I couldn't resist posting these magical images.


Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG..... Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Ft.Lauderdale,Design Service, Window Treatments, TurnKey Interior Design Service,Paint selection, Floor-Plans,Online Interior Design,geisha, silk   Share