Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!


This photo of a local turquoise barn that I posted last January was a big hit and, even though it really has nothing to do with decorating, I thought I would end the year with it for those of you who haven't seen it.

I REALLY appreciate all of you taking the time out of your day to check in on my little corner of the blog world, and I'm so looking forward to posting new inspiration and ideas for you in 2011!

I hope you have a wonderful New Years Eve/Day and that the coming year is your best ever...

Happy New Year

Happy New Year and May all your dreams come true!

Be sure to meet back here on Monday for a fabulous giveaway from Pottery Barn.
You won't want to miss it, believe me!
2010 In Review ~ Best of Blogs of 2010
Top 10 of 2010 Blog Posts on Bright Bold and Beautiful
and more Best of 2010 posts... See you next year!

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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Without A Hitch

My 'unofficial' school reunion went as planned.
It was a small group of us, just about 35 or 40.
The Island gang.
Me - 2nd. from the left
This is only a small portion.
It was a lovely event
 held in the most appropriate place imaginable for this gifted group.
Most of the gang learned to sail right here at the above yacht club.
This is where the party was.
It was at night, and it was beautiful.
You could have actually thrown a baseball to the house I grew up in.
We could just glance across the water and see our childhood homes,
where we played as kids.
We all water skied, sailed, and spent out days on this bay.
Beautiful Biscayne Bay.
There is NOTHING like it.
It is what makes Miami & Miami Beach so amazing. 

More girls from The Islands.
starting on the left; Debbie, Missy, Janine
Debbie ....the doll.
In spite of the lovely night that went off 'without a hitch.....'
(thank you lisa and howie)
I woke this morning feeling sad 
and 'out of my stirrups'.
I was once again filled with all the old feelings
 that I would rather not feel.
You know the ones....

But they come 
and they go.
Just as my confidence and sense of security does the same.
It was extremely difficult for me to place names with faces.
I wasn't great at making friends with EVERYONE.
Mainly because I was only close with 2 or 3 girls all through 12yrs -17.
I felt 2 or 3 was plenty. I was a bit moody and private.
My 3  friends are 'mixers' and were comfortable 'mingling.'
I am still no 'mingling freak'
'One on One' is my comfort zone.
My one friend kept saying;
"how can you not remember 'so and so' ?"
"we all walked home from the bus..." or
"don't you remember when we all....?"
I started to think, 
am I senile already?
 was I just in my own world?
....which is much more likely.
 I didn't really feel comfortable in my own skin back then.
My skin today suits me just fine.
I have a whole new set of issues....

I am so proud of the individuals that I grew up with.
They are all 'SOMEBODIES'

Do you like reunions?
Do they leave you feeling off your game??

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG..... Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Ft.Lauderdale,Design Service, Window Treatments, TurnKey Interior Design Service,Paint selection, Floor-Plans,Online Interior Design, Sharereunion reunion

A Personal Message and Inspiration for 2011

Have you ever felt like you belonged on the "island of misfit toys"? Well, I have... I was at dinner last night with two great friends, and they were telling me about the high-school reunion that I recently missed. The truth is, I actually went to one school from 1st-9th, another for 10th and 11th, and we moved to a different city for my Senior year, thus a third school. So, which school class reunion am I supposed to attend? If you have really read this far, I promise there is a point to my story.
For a brief moment at dinner last night, I did feel sorry for myself, feeling like I did not belong to one certain group. Then, I snapped out of it. Don't get me wrong, I am very grateful for all of my friends and experiences I have encountered along the way. But, I am a firm believer of living in the present. I am 43 years old, and last year I would have told you that 2009 was the best year of my life. However, now that we have come to the end of 2010, I would say that this year has been even better.
So to all of you ~ If you are not doing what you love, change your ways.
If there is a hobby you want to try ~ try it!
Believe in Yourself
Cherish your family and friends
Live, Laugh, and most certainly Love

Here is to being grateful for our past, and looking ahead to 2011!
I hope you will join me here each and every day on Bright Bold and Beautiful.
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Watercolors by Laura Trevey 50% off Sale - 2 days left

Help me reach my goal of 1000 sales by the end of the year...
What's in it for you? Well, a lot!
You receive 50% off every item or items in my Etsy shop until December 31st. {Last sale until July 2011}. Below are some examples of original paintings and prints. These make wonderful Valentines Day, Birthday, and any time gifts... Everything from custom home paintings to sweet note cards for just $6.00! Click on each link to purchase.

Container Garden Watercolor Print $9.00 {regular price $18.00}
Custom Painting of your Home $72.50 {regular price $145.00}
Custom Painting of Your Home - Watercolor

Beautiful Day Original Watercolor Painting $27.50 {regular price $55.00}
Beautiful Day, Original Watercolor Painting
Note Cards - Set of 12 - 3 different hydrangea paintings $6.00 {regular $12.00}
Pink, Green, and Blue Hydrangea Note Cards
Happy New Year from Bright Bold and Beautiful!
Meet me here on Monday for the BEST GIVEAWAY to date...
I can't wait to share with you.
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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Bright Ideas: Creative Work Spaces and Organizing Tips

With the coming of a New Year, I am always inspired to clear out the clutter, and organize! Just remember this tip: There is a place for everything. Create your
own work space filled with character and imagination, the sky is the limit...
What are your organizing tips?
Hey ~ I have this same IKEA trestle desk in my art studio!
I love the cups full of pens and pencils...
Last year's post: Organizing Tips
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Don't forget to enter the $40.00 Watercolors by Laura Trevey
and take advantage of my 2 year anniversary SALE
Ends December 31, 2010

I could stay in bed....

But I must suit up and show up at work....
This is exactly the kind of bed suits my mood today.
Bethany::She actually looks like this,
and dresses like this.
But she stands upright at all or meeting.....promise

My dear sweet client whom we shall call Bethany
is anxiously waiting the installation of her NEW home.
Which will take place part of this week and most of next.
We are all excited.
It is going to be 'HOT".
The colors are granny smith apple green, peacock, and a touch of fushia.
The carpets are wild.

At the end of my day 
I will be driving to Miami Beach to reunite
with the kids I went to elementary school with.
I will be exhausted, but it should give my heart a 'rush!!!'

XXXXX just me
Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG..... Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Ft.Lauderdale,Design Service, Window Treatments, TurnKey Interior Design Service,Paint selection, Floor-Plans,Online Interior Design,old friends, Bergamo - Rubelli Fabrics - My Work, Whole House Installations, exausted

Unique Wall Art


If you've followed this blog for more than 5 minutes, you're probably aware that I really like numbers and letters in decorating.  Which is why this interesting PEACE arrangement (above) from Lori at the Round Barn Potting Company (a fellow Minnesota blogger - yea, Minnesota! :-)) immediately caught my eye.  I love the way she used different sized letters and put the letters in and outside of the frame.

I also like the creativity in this wall grouping behind her sofa.  Not only do the various items she used make it interesting, but I like the added dimension created by the empty frames over the clocks!

Related Posts:
1. Decorating With Letters and Numbers
2. Decorating With Letters, Words and Numbers

Have a great day!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Color Inspiration: Beige Stripes

This is such a cozy spot with the natural light pouring in... I love the beige stripes with the blue and green wallpaper... very soothing... and check out the gorgeous lantern too!
photo: decorpad

Monday, December 27, 2010

Moderna lámpara colgante inspirada por las formas florales

Esta es una increíble moderna lámpara de techo inspirada en formas florales. Está diseñada por el joven diseñador suizo Philipp Glass. La elegante estructura autoportante de la lámpara de techo tiene doce láminas armoniosamente curvas, que, colocado lateralmente, reflejan la luz de una manera única.

Todas estas láminas están hechas de polvo de aluminio cortado con láser recubiertos. Con un diámetro de 50 cm y un peso de 5 kg.

Puedes encontrarla AQUI

Qué opinas sobre esta linda lámpara de techo?

Decoración de cocinas con color morado púrpura o lila

Si eres un seguidor de este sitio, sabrás que en varias ocasiones hemos publicado artículos sobre decoración de espacios con colores específicos.

Hoy publicamos cocinas en color púrpura, morado o lila, y debemos decir que el impacto visual de esta gama de tonalidades realmente funciona en la cocina moderna!
Dado que el color púrpura significa profunda pasión, realeza, espíritu, y las personas que les gusta
este color son a menudo individuos creativos y generosos.

Qué opinas sobre estos diseños de cocinas de color púrpura, morado o lila?

Watercolors by Laura Trevey Giveaway

** Update: Shari, you won! Congrats **
The last Monday Giveaway for 2010 is a $40.00 gift certificate towards the purchase of any item or items in my Etsy shop - Watercolors by Laura Trevey. {includes prints and original paintings} In addition to the giveaway, check out the 50% off SALE going on now ~ until December 31, 2010
Please Read Instructions Below
Chesapeake Bay Blue Crab
Best selling watercolor print ~ Chesapeake Bay Blue Crab
To qualify, visit Watercolors by Laura Trevey and leave a comment below.
Also Click on the Facebook
"like" button (right above the comments)
for an extra entry...

Winner will be announced on Friday!
More ways to follow BB&B

** Interested in hosting a giveaway? Contact me here **

Monday Inspiration

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain
More Monday Inspiration and and
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photo: pinterest

Creative Decorating Ideas

Happy Monday! 

I can't believe Christmas is already over, can you?  Our weather cooperated for travel, thankfully, and we had a great time with our families!  Hope you all did as well. 
From a decorating perspective, I'm actually a little relieved to be done with Christmas and moving on to decorating that will last all year long.
With that in mind, here are some ideas to help jump start your decorating creativity with ideas for the upcoming year...

Use a rug to make a headboard "slipcover. Attach with clip-on drapery rings and ribbon.
Midwest Living
Another out-of-the-box idea for a flat-weave rug.  Use it to cover an ottman!
Midwest Living
Make a desk with a hollow core door, sawhorses and some fabric like Heather Chadduck did...
Finish the edges with decorative trim and nail heads.  Cover with a thin piece of glass...

Add custom detail with ribbon.  We've talked about it before - the details really do make a difference. Without the grosgrain ribbon detail, these pillows would just be pretty floral pillows.  Nothing wrong with that, but the addition of the ribbon adds a striking graphic element and the brown ribbon, combined with the brown lampshade helps ground the space...
Style At Home - Designer Virginia Macdonald

Paint a whimsical chalkboard wall in your bathroom like they did in this one featured on Design Sponge. Then paint the ceiling blue, of course!  (I think a mirror inside the chalkboard frame would up the functionality a bit.)  Probably not for every bathroom,  but I do love it...

I always love Tobi's ideas and this one is no different. Paint the back of your bookshelves, then add all white accessories, grounded by some black artwork attached to the front of the shelves.  A designer look that would be very inexpensive to achieve...
Designer Tobi Fairley via At Home Arkansas
Add interesting fabrics to your silhouette art...
Country Living Photo Susie Cushner
Think outside the box when it comes to places to put your magazines, books and other things you want to keep close at hand.  This aged urn adds so much more character to this space than your basic magazine holder would...
Womens Day Photo Michael Partenio

I've seen the numbered stairs idea before with painted steps, but I really like this idea of adding mismatched metal numbers with the rich stained wood...
our entryway staircase traditional staircase

Make it a great day!