Thursday, December 9, 2004

UPDATE: Calabogie MotorSports Park

On October 12th, 2004, the Council of the Township of Greater Madawaska passed the third and final reading of the re-zoning amendment for the new Calabogie MotorSports Park. This was a significant and pivotal step towards the completion of the new road course.

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their inquiries, suggestions, and words of encouragement over the past eighteen months, and update you on recent events and new initiatives. Construction is nearing completion, with final grading being completed in October, safety systems being installed in early November, and a projected paving date of mid-to-late May, 2005.

The polymer asphalt surface being used has a cure time of approximately two months, taking us to an opening date of July 2005.

Please take this opportunity to explore our new website at . Highlights include more detailed specifications on the track, unique video footage, updated pictures of the track, and a video game being designed for CMP.