Friday, April 29, 2005

DERBY: ITMN Championship Series Preview

The 2005 CSBRA INSIDE TRACK MOTORSPORTS NEWS CHAMPIONSHIP 'DERBY RACING' SERIES will officially begin at Kawartha Downs Speedway on May 22nd.

With an ever expanding number of cars entering the derby race circuit, Peterborough will once again host 4 major events as part of the Championship.

Entries from as far west as Windsor and from Rocherster New York will join a large number of Peterborough racers and other gravity drag teams from Eastern Ontario at Kawartha Downs.

Support for the local sport and derby in general has picked up as well, with the arrival of Big Game Fishing Charters who have donated over $800.00 in Charter gift certificates.

Cleary Homes have come on board by supplying and building a new set of starting ramp bases for the season at KD. While the local Peterborough organization continues to search for sponsorship support to purchase a new timing system to replace on lost in the flooding of last July, other projects are being developed to add equipment such as safety cones, and a sound system.

The support of Inside Track Motorsports News with the points championship and prizes for events is a prime example of businesses discovering the value of joining forces with a sport that encourages good citizenship, sportsmanship, respect and team work. 2005 looks to be a breakout year for derby and its growth.

(From Bernie Daynes)