Wednesday, May 18, 2005


TORONTO, ON - James Robinson Associates is pleased to announce that the 2005 CASCAR SUPER SERIES television package will be seen across Canada on Rogers SPORTSNET and throughout North America on SPEED Channel. Each of the 12 races will be shown on a tape delayed basis.

Jim and Joel... getting ready for another big season of CASCAR action....

Rogers SPORTSNET has been home to CASCAR since 1998. SPORTSNET will carry each of the 12 races plus and YEAR END wrap show throughout the summer. The CASCAR premier broadcasts will air on Saturday afternoons followed by a replay that week. SPORTSNET's four regional areas have a reach of over 8 million homes.

SPEED Channel will once again host the CASCAR SUPER SERIES as it has for the past 8 seasons. Known as the source of motorsports in North American, SPEED will once again carry CASCAR in it's Fall/Winter line up. SPEED Channel has a reach of over 70 million homes throughout North America.

Jim and Joel Robinson are the leading motorsport producers in Canada and have been televising the CASCAR broadcasts for the past 12 seasons. The Tv program returns with the voice of CASCAR, Ron St. Clair as play-by-play, CASCAR veteran racer Billy Rowse Jr. doing colour commentary along with Todd Lewis handling the pit duties.

(Editor's Note: Happy Birthday to Jim, who celebrates another 'big day' this weekend while at Delaware... be sure to say hi when you see him!)