Friday, October 21, 2005

Message for SOS Fans, Drivers, Car Owners and Track Promoters:

First of all, I’d like to thank everyone for their support and encouraging words. As your new President I’ll do my best to keep the SOS strong and moving forward.

During the next several months I’ll be working very hard to get myself up to speed…lots to learn and not much time! I’d also like to thank our out-going President, Peter Turford for 5 years of great leadership which has put the SOS in a very strong position. I believe our club is on the right track and fully expect to see continued growth over the next few years similar to that which has been witnessed in the past.

I feel very fortunate to be taking over at this time for the reasons stated above and believe we will have a very strong team going into the new season. The existing Executive and Board members along with the newly elected members have a wealth of experience and have offered me their full support.

We also have a very strong crew of support staff coming back for another season. During the next few months I’m hoping to add to our support staff in areas that I feel need a boost.

Next up on the SOS calendar will be the 2005 Awards Night, which is scheduled for November 19th at the Cairn Croft Inn in Niagara Falls, Ontario. Then over the winter, the SOS is planning on putting displays in local car shows including Performance World in Toronto and Speedorama in London. We may also look at doing displays in a few malls during the late winter or early spring of 2006.

The 2006 season is already beginning to take shape with a tentative schedule of 16 races at 4 tracks already penciled in and there is a potential of adding a couple more events and another track. I for one can’t wait for the 2006 season to begin but in the mean time, there is a lot of work to be done. Keep an eye on our Web Site over the winter for all the latest news.

See you at the track!!
Bill Oldroyd