Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Ottodrome Ottawa to reopen as Capital City Speedway in 2006

As of 6:30 pm. Monday, December 5th, a deal has been finalized between the Drummond group of companies and Mr. Arnie Malcolm. "Capital City Speedway" will be tentatively reopening May 10th, 2006 at 7:30 pm. for it's first race night with many to follow. We're having a driver's meeting Wednesday, December 14th at 7:30 pm. at the Talisman on Carling Ave. This is a must-meeting for all to review classes, exchange ideas and suggestions.
So please, get the word out... your input is as important as ours is.

From Arnie Malcolm:

Hey Guys: We are all pretty exited about the agreement that was reached this week for the rental of the property formerly known as Ottodrome. First of all we would like to thank the Drummond group of companies for making this possible, and in particular Scott Drummond who worked very hard to put this deal together. We believe it is very important to be up front with everyone and to let you know that at this time all of our efforts at Capital City Speedway will be concentrated on stock car racing. We will continue with the ongoing improvements at Luskville Dragway in an effort to make it a better place for everyone each and every year. We are currently working on a new web site for the speedway, and should have it up and running very soon. We are also holding a meeting for all those intereseted in the future of stock car racing in the Ottawa-Gatineau area. We realize that this may not be what everyone wants to hear, but we also realize no matter what the decision is, there would still be people that disagree with it.
And Buzz you can call me anything you want, as long as you're calling me it at the race track. By the way Buzz, want to take some Pics on Wednesday nights?

Arnie Malcolm, Family and all of team ADM Motorsports

Lets hope he can pull this Ottawa track out of the beating it has taken over the past few years.
