Thursday, March 2, 2006

Ontario Formula Ford Challenge News

Courtesy David P. Hilton (

For the Ottawa Driver's and surrounding areas including Quebec, the Maritimes and east United States the Driver's meeting will be held on Saturday March 25 at 1pm at Nigel Mortimer's house in Ottawa. Email me for directions.

For the rest of the Driver's the meeting will on Sunday March 26 at 1pm at the Markland Pub 666 Burnamthorpe Road in Toronto. This meeting is for the Toronto, Ontario, Western New York, Ohio and the rest of the US Drivers.


Brian Stewart of Brian Stewart Racing has now offered up one 5 gallon pail of Lucas Oil per race event weekend. In an ongoing effort to promote the Ontario Formula Ford Challenge, Brian Stewart has agreed to supply the oil to be given out at each event to a Driver in the OFFC. Details of the awarding of this prize to be posted at a later date. The OFFC Officials and the OFFC Drivers would like to thank Brian for his generous offer.


Ontario Formula Ford Challenge Overall Champion Point Structure:

Points System: Points are awarded in EACH class and according to the numbers of drivers racing in that class.

It is very simple; you have to beat cars to win.


Class “A” 15 cars start the race and you win Class “A” you receive 15 points. Second place would receive 14 points and so on until last place would receive 1 point.

Class “B” starts 10 cars then the winner would receive 10 points, second would receive 9 points and so on until last place gets 1 point.

Class “C” starts 2 cars then the winner would receive 2 points.

DNF’s receive 0 points.

In the event of a tie at the end of the season we will determine the overall Champion by most wins, seconds, thirds, until the tie is broken.

There will be no dropping of points hence we will get an overall winner and they get a wonderful prize pack.