Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Nice story on Nancy Bicknell....

Bicknell Garners Gater News 'Woman in Racing' DIRT HoF Award

By Tom Skibinski

ST. CATHARINES, Ontario, Canada -- The first lady in Canadian motorsports Nancy Bicknell joins Kim Jennejohn and Barb Anderson as co-recipients of the fifth annual Gater Racing News "Outstanding Woman in Racing" award during the 2006 DIRT MotorSports NorthEast Hall of Fame Induction ceremonies Sunday, May 28, on the Cayuga County Fairgrounds. This special award was initiated in 2002 to recognize outstanding contributions made by women in auto racing during a customary time of tribute to the legendary male drivers in our sport.The location for Nancy and husband Pete Bicknell's first date shouldn't come as much of a surprise to any race fan. They spent a Saturday night over 30 years ago sitting in the top row of the Merrittville (ONT) Speedway grandstand. When the final checkered flag fell that night, Pete asked Nancy what she thought about her first trip to a race track. Reflecting back, she remembers, "I had to be honest. I told Pete I didn't know a single racer all night." That was about to change.

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