Friday, May 25, 2007


RIMBEY, AB - Race action at Central Alberta Raceways in Rimbey Alberta has been cancelled for this Saturday May 26th due to a rare spring snowstorm which is currently hitting the central and southern parts of Alberta.

"We have close to 10 inches of snow on the ground here (as of 1:20PM Thursday)," says race organizer Dale Barr, "the track was pretty well ready to go for this weekend. Now it's going to be a mess when it melts."

The Northern Provincial Pipeline Late Model Series has lost race events to rain in the past but this is the first time in its 7 year history a race event has been cancelled by snow.

"The weather forcast is actually looking pretty good for Saturday," indicates N.P.P. Series announcer Gord Craig, "but the damage has been done with all the moisture that has fallen the last 24 hours."

Twenty-two race teams that were expected to travel to Rimbey for this weekends event now are looking for something else to do. "We've got an old Super Stock car that we may work on this weekend," says Brent Broughton (#16), "it's a car that the Dowler Family used to run at the old Westwind Speedway in Edmonton back in the 70's. We're hoping to have it out in the next few weeks."

Whitecourt's Kevin Wheeler (#3), currently second in the NPP standings, is disappointed.

"The team was geared up for this weekend. We just finished banging some dents out of the car from the Drumheller race. With no racing in Rimbey now, I'll load up the family and we'll go look for a nice quiet campground somewhere."

The next scheduled N.P.P. Series event is at Castrol Raceway on June 2nd. It’s been seven months since the Series has raced in Edmonton.

From Gord Craig / NPP