Tuesday, December 30, 2008

ABCD Books Of Camden Maine

This is a special OUT OF PRINT Bookstore.  
And just like Camden, it is charming. Let's have a look.

This is the owner. She is very sweet and super helpful. 
If you can't find a book, contact ABCD BOOKS.

After you walk in and pass the owner, this is what you see. 

I have found that most of Maine is filled with well read intellectuals. In most of these charming little towns, you will have a difficult time finding a lot of different items to purchase. 
But you will never have to go very far for something to read. In these tiny towns it is not unusual to find 2 or 3 book stores. 
The libraries are loaded, better than the library in Boca Raton, Florida. 
Perhaps because Boca Raton-ians shop, they don't read much.

Isn't this cozy and funky ??
That's my funky daughter, she is a reader and loved the store.

BTW, this is a very large shop. I have not posted all the really great reading corners . The owner has done a fabulous job with her place. ABCD BOOKS has an inviting and warm atmosphere. 
She had interesting things on the bookshelves that were for sale as well.

My daughter Andi & me at the end of the days adventures.

ABCD Books
Your Maine source for out of print books
Camden Maine
207.236.3903 or Toll Free : 888.236.3903

( enlarge any picture for more info and a closer look )

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her blog of her Adventures in Design

Mesa de Vidro

Mesa de jantar em vidro transparente de 15mm, vidro acetinado ou negro, branco, cinza escuro, branco opaco, vermelho, azul marinho brilhante. Com estrutura em aço acetinado (40x20x2mm), disponivel também com a estrutura em aço lacado a branco ou negro. As dimensões disponiveis standard são: 164x90x74, 186x90x74, 200x100x74 e 220x100x74cm. Também podemos efectuar noutras dimensões sob pedido, excepto para mesas quadradas.
Encomende já / Order Now:
Telf: 214 867 378
Tlm: 966 312 602
Cascais / Portugal

Monday, December 29, 2008

Visto pelos outros Blogs

O Blog Decor Esporte Clube escolheu os destaques de 2008 onde consta a 4UDECOR. Agradeçemos o reconhecimento de todo o nosso trabalho e convidamos a visitar este magnifico blog brasileiro.

Destaques em 2008
no Decor Esporte Clube

4UDecor http://www.4udecor.com/ http://4udecor.blogspot.com/ Ótimo site e blog de decoração.
Antologia Prints - http://www.antologiaprints.com.br/ Belos registros do Rio por Ricardo Zerrenner
ArqDesign Curitiba http://www.vitrineadc.com.br/ A vitrine da arquitetura e design de interiores de Curitiba
Artezanal http://www.artezanal.com.br/ Tecidos , móveis e acessórios para decoração.
Casa com design http://www.m4interiores.com.br/ Site e blog da designer de interiores Maria Alice.
Casa Premier http://www.casapremier.com.br/
Color-stripes - http://color-stripes.blogspot.com/ Cores
Destaque e Cole - http://www.destaqueecole.com.br/ - Adesivos decorativos
Flor de Bananeira - http://www.flordebananeira.com.br/ Lindas mandalas e quadros artesanais de Lilita Noronha.
Ls Selection http://www.lsselection.com.br/ Lindos objetos decorativos que marcam presença nos projetos de diversos profissionais renomados.
Madeirol - http://www.madeirol.com.br/ Cozinhas, quartos e armários planejados.
Marisa Lima - http://www.marisalima.com.br/ Paisagista.
New Decor - http://www.newdecor.blogspot.com/ Blog contendo diversas matérias de decoração elaboradas por Daphine Machado e Fabíola Ferreira .
Paulo Vergueiro - http://www.paulovergueiro.com.br/ http://www.paulovergueiro.blogspot.com/
Pelican http://www.pelicantextil.com.br/ Pelúcias e peles sintéticas.
Rosa Mundo - http://www.rosamundo.com.br/ Presentes criativos e presentes diferentes.
Viccarbe - http://www.viccarbe.com/ Mobiliário contemporâneo.
Kollat - Comunicação Visual http://www.kollant.com.br/ Adesivos para decoração, adesivos para paredes.

Agradeço aos lojistas que gentilmente permitiram a utilização das imagens de seus produtos para ilustrar as dicas de decoração. Agradeço aos lojistas, designers, artesãos, assessores de imprensa e blogueiros pela confiança neste espaço.
Sucesso para todos e muitas realização em 2009 !!!
Consultoria de decoração por Heloisa Ferreira às 00h03

Aparadores / Movel TV

Dispomos de varios aparadores / movel TV com diversos acabamentos e dimensões, aqui apresentamos algumas das possiveis ofertas, do wengué aos lacados de alto brilho. Podemos ainda efectuar os mesmos com design exclusivo para si.
Encomende já / Order Now:
Telf: 214 867 378
Tlm: 966 312 602
Cascais / Portugal

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Secretaria para PC

Secretaria / Mesa de trabalho onde poderá colocar o seu pc de forma organizada, com uma estrutura de suporte para a caixa do seu computador. Com vidro temperado e serigrafado, a estrutura é em aço acetinado, com as seguintes dimensões: 110 x 70 x 74 cm (comp x largura x altura).

Encomende já / Order Now:
Telf: 214 867 378
Tlm: 966 312 602
Cascais / Portugal

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Cozy Camden And A Good Cup Of Coffee

It was rainy and cold in Camden.

There is a river that runs right under main street, and this is it. There are always beautiful ducks on it.

So, I decide on a yummy mocha to warm up and people watch, when I see the cutest Boxer dog sitting in the drivers seat of the car in front of me. I also decide to go over to 'Surroundings' across the street. This place is jammed packed with housewares and other pick-up items.

Here is a closer look at the Boxer if you can see through the glare of the window.

This is the coffee shop looking back as I cross to head over to ' Surroundings'.

Inside the shop.

Remember , this is Maine. These dishes  and linens are BLUEBERRY designs.

I am crazy about these linens, very sexy colors. And no, I really couldn't get a better shot. They were jammed between a few things.  But they were great.

I love black & white. The egg cups are way too adorable. !!!

Durable goods for the Home and Garden
Camden Maine

( enlarge any picture for more info and a closer look )

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her blog of her Adventures in Design

Lazy Downtown Rockland Day

I just wanted to give you a better idea of what the area looks like, and how many islands there are. This is just a tiny portion of Mid-Coast Maine, but it is filled with these little fingers of land surrounded by water.

There is so much water here. It is everywhere. It might be a river running into the ocean, or a spring, or a huge lake ( or small one ) that narrows and runs into the ocean.

There are mountains, and dramatic cliffs with beautiful harbors in every direction.

The Rockland Christmas tree covered in Lobster Buoys.
This is actually a pretty ugly shot of main street in Rockland.

There is a Fabulous sort of style store that carries quite a few high end items.

It is a lovely shop , jammed packed with great clothes, home-wares ( only the latest and most stylish ) shoes, scarves, ties, hats......you get the idea.
It is on Main St. and called the
Black Parrot
Rockland, Maine (& Portland , Maine)
Ask for Barbara, she was so sweet, friendly & darling to look at.
I do not know how she keeps it looking so organized.
This place is filled , and I do mean filled !
I am sure you are wondering why I have these ties.... when I am stale I turn to scarves, ties, and patterned fabrics on clothing for a fresh color scheme. This has always worked for me when stuck in the design mud. Even if I only use 2 or 3 of the colors, it's usually a good start. And it is good, because I wouldn't have come up with those 2 or 3 colors, remember, I am stuck in the mud.

G.F. MacGregor
Home Decor And Design
Rockland, Maine
The owner and designer is Ariana S Fischer Gregg.

This is Ariana, and she wouldn't turn around for me, I think it really was a "powdering her nose kinda' thing". She was nice, and very pretty . I don't blame her in the least, she had been dealing with the day after Xmas crowd, of which I was the last one of her day. ( yucko !)
This is her shop window, and the town movie theatre across the street.

Some of her things on the cocktail table. I thought the throw was great. And probably made by a local artist.
This is the back of the store and where I decided to whip out my camera and ask if I could take pictures.
I started taking pictures today because of this horse pillow. I love it !
I am a woman who loves horses deeply. And that my dear, is another story for another time.
So, anything 'HORSIE' makes my heart smile.
Notice the Tony Duquette book ???
Now this is a little antique shop down the street called :
Hall's Antiques
Rockland , Maine
These are the boats etc. from inside the shop.
This is Green Depression glass - love it .
This is Pink Depression glass. I have a girlfriend with a humongous collection. When she has you over for lunch and sets the table, and serves with only this pink depression glass....it is a
Oh look !!! There is a pair of opera glasses, and I have already had an Adventure in Design on that subject.
But these opera glasses seem to be everywhere, I myself own 2 or 3.
But what I love and collect myself in this picture is the 'Mulberry'.
The plate on the stand that looks out of focus but is not. That is just the way Mulberry looks. It is transferware, there are several colors including Mulberry. The Mulberry color actually is a purple, that is so dark that it appears to the eye as black. Dolly Hall is one of the owners. This ' Redneck Wind Chime' made me crack up when I was leaving, but Dolly hates it. Apparently her partner put it in the store.
The people of Maine, I find are pretty funny given the chance.
I have been coming to Maine most of my life, and I love , love , love it !!
( enlarge any picture for more info and a closer look )
Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her blog of her Adventures in Design
pic credits: flickr- mmpartee