I am going to do a painting of this wall for my daughter.
But, if you are concerned,
I recently became a recovering PINK & RED person,
but it is a
"one day at a time" program.
Nope, no Ho-Down birthday party theme for this kid, no purple themes, yellow, or black and white, nothing but pink & red !
That color scheme spilled over into my room as well.
PINK PINK PINK and a bit more pink.
I remember after I got my drivers license, I demanded some green. And got some green, the green on the leaves of the pink flowers !! LOL
I went into the vehicle motor division and had my birth certificate in an envelope, and of course being very excited ( finally free , with my own car , I was thinking ) handed it to the lady behind the counter.
She asked me a series of questions,
one of them being; "And how old are you Miss Finberg ?",
I said; "16"
she asked; " And when were you born ? " ,
I said; " February 14th 1956",
she said; " Not according to this birth certificate".
I was like, HUH ? Wha ?
She said; "This certificate says that you were born on the 15th. "
Now, I am thinking & saying, "there must be some horrible mistake !!"
In my head I am panicking and thinking, this is it, I knew this was too good to be true !! Finally , I convinced her that it was really mine, and it is really ME , and so she let me take the test. I left with a drivers license in my hand. Frankly, I didn't care if the date on the birth certificate and the license was wrong. I just wanted my drivers license !!!
When I got home I ran to find my mother and told her that there was a mistake on my birth certificate.
And SHE SAID; " Oh , I know your birthday is the 15th, but Valentines Day is sooooo much CUTER !!! "
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