I love this! It was made by Julia Pelton (The Pelton Family blog) and she said she wouldn't mind if I shared it with you.
I'm sure you may have seen many variations on this bulletin board theme, so it's not new, but two things about it really appealed to me: 1) the fact that it's beautifully made, and 2) it's not just any board. It's an encouragement board that she made for her mother for Mother's Day while she was going through treatment for an illness. She put things on it (more things than what you see here) that she thought would encourage her mother every time she looked at them.
Isn't this a great gift idea? Is there someone you know who could use an encouragement board? The complete tutorial is on Julia's blog.
I said my next post would be a decorating post. This isn't the one I was talking about (that's tomorrow), but I think it qualifies, don't you? Decorating and encouraging at the same time! Gotta love that.