Monday, November 30, 2009

Cómo aprovechar un salón de muy pocos metros

Lo primordial en un salón de pocos metros es aprovechar al máximo el espacio y potenciar la luz natural. Los colores claros -en paredes, tapicerías, puertas y suelos-, los muebles bajos y de reducidas dimensiones, son grandes aliado

Un buen recurso también es utilizar muebles funcionales y prácticos. Este salón, por ejemplo, cuenta con una mesa de centro que se levanta y baja a voluntad, a través de sus piernas y altura regulable, y puede, por lo tanto ser utilizado como mesa de centro o mesa de comedor, según la ocasión.

Detrás del sofá, se ha aprovechado un antiguo conducto de humos, para instalar en la pared unas gruesas planchas de roble teñido que cumplen la función de una biblioteca.

Para obtener más luz, las paredes y el sofá son de tonos claros, y las cortinas son transparentes. El resto de la decoración es suave y femenino: el sofá decorado con cojines de seda pastel, y en el suelo, una alfombra de pelo de vacuno teñidos de fucsia.

Paredes para niños artistas

Desde ahora, en las paredes sí se escribe, se dibuja y se pinta. Estas opciones te servirán para que tus niños muestren su arte y creatividad en las paredes (sin destrozarlas) de sus dormitorios y cuartos de juego.

Una opción es convertir una pared en una pizarra con una pintura especial. Los colores más habituales son verde (como los tableros escolares) y negro (opción más actual), pero hay firmas como Cuarto Color que han desarrollado hasta 10 colores diferentes en pintura de pizarra. Lo puedes adquirir en tiendas especializadas de pintura y bricolaje.

Otra opción muy divertida es convertir una pared en tablero magnético con pinturas que incorporan partículas metálicas y permiten sujetar elementos directamente en la pared, con imanes. Para que la superficie tenga magnetismo hay que aplicar 3-4 capas y renovarlas cada año (2 capas más). Las hay con acabados de pizarra como las de Bruguer y otras que permiten cualquier acabado como la de Mag Paint (Pinturalmán).

Simple, Inexpensive "Window Treatment"

I really won't be doing a Christmas post every day this month, so for those of you who aren't looking for Christmas ideas, hang in there! :-)

I was at the Dollar Store before Thanksgiving and saw these big white styrofoam snowflakes for $1 each. The front of them actually has a felt texture with a tish bit of glitter. I liked them, so I bought some without actually knowing what I was going to do with them.

After thinking about it, I decided to take down the window treatment in my master bath (just for the holidays) and make a "christmas valance". I already had the little gold ornaments and, as you can see in the photo below, the back was just the right size to stick into the holes in the snowflake - no glue needed!

There was already a little white ribbon attached to each snowflake, so I just used that to attach them to the curtain rod. To soften it a bit, I added a length of wide ribbon that I already had in one of my Christmas boxes. That was it. $5 worth of snowflakes and ornaments/ribbon that I already had...

I'll be editing to link to blog parties as they happen:
Get Your Craft On! at Today's Creative Blog
Trash To Treasure at Reinvented
Transformation Thursday at Shabby Chic Cottage
Thrify Thursday at Tales From Bloggeritaville

Have an awesome day!

Candeeiro Skygarden

Candeeiro suspenso de luz directa com diversas cores exteriores disponíveis e uma porção interna com decoração em relevo, foi a forma que o designer Marcel Wanders encontrou para para reproduzir o tecto da sua antiga casa.
Encomende já / Order now:
Telf: 214 867 378
Lisboa / Portugal

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Tabletop Christmas Trees

Hi there! I hope you all had a great holiday weekend! We had a very busy, but very enjoyable Thanksgiving and weekend. The last of my out-of-town guests just left about an hour ago, so I'm quite honestly just not quite back into my blogging groove yet.

My niece and I were talking about tabletop trees last night. Since it was on my mind, I thought I would do a quick post with some unique tabletop tree ideas to ease back into my blogging week. These are just some of the ideas available from More ideas are available on their site.

These trees were made by rolling paper into conical shapes, trimming the bottom and gluing a bead to the top.

I LOVE this idea below. Simple and unique, and think how much the look could change depending on the wrapping paper/ribbon/cake stand you chose. You could also make it taller, and finish it off with some sort of tree topper. Also make it with or without ribbon (although I really like the ribbon!)

Topiary forms and tinsel garland...
REALLY liking these topiaries...

How 'bout a button tree?

I also wanted to thank This Mama Rocks for featuring me as blog of the week, and Annie from A View On Design for the Lovely Blog Award. Thank you so much ladies!

Modern Bedroom Design

Modern Home Office Interior Design

Modern Home Office Interior Design

Modern Bedroom Design

Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Dogs Life

I want to be this dog!
...certainly a simpler life.

Published October 2009 in Architectural Digest
For the making of their new family residence on Chicago’s North Shore, a couple worked with architect Robert A. M. Stern and his partner Randy Correll. Victoria Hagan decorated the interiors.Landscape architect Douglas Hoerr handled the grounds. The front elevation of the 16,000-square-foot Georgian Revival-style house.

Everything in this home is smooth and subtle.
The greens & blues just work. I don't think this home is over done in the least.

The traditional and the contemporary are blended beautifully.

I love the floor.
I have the same materials and pattern on my bedroom's terrace deck.

The comforter is so comfy.
*Note the covered buttons.

Great pool and a tiered lawn....I love that!

Did you see the movie ' Road to Perdition?'
I have never seen the shores of Lake Michigan, and was blown away by the sand and the water (in the movie scenes).
I never knew about the beautiful sand on the lake's shore.
It is just as if it were along an ocean shore.
This shot (below) made me think of the ending of the movie, and the sandy beach where the father
(Tom Hanks) and the son walk on the sand while heading to their hide-out.
A friend of the family's home.
I have watched this 3 times. The cinematography is outstanding.

mahogany sun-deck
*Do you think I am too old to get adopted?

Do you like this home?
Could you live there?

Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....
Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Ft.Lauderdale,Design Service, Window Treatments, TurnKey Interior Design Service,Paint selection, Floor-Plans,Online Interior Design,Georgian Revival-style house
Design Center of The Americas, D.C.O.T.A.A Dogs Life?

Candeeiros FLOS já chegaram à 4UDECOR

Agora a 4UDECOR também representa a conhecida marca Flos fundada em 1962. Teve sempre como objectivo estar na vanguarda das formas, técnicas de iluminação e designs originais. Com vários artigos premiados a nível internacional. Designers tais como Starck e Patrícia Urquiola contam-se entre os inumeros parceiros da Flos. Temos a linha completa da Flos, linha consumidor domestico e a linha profissional.
Consulte-nos hoje mesmo:
Telf: 214 867 378
Lisboa / Portugal

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Christmas Decorating Inspiration and Ideas

Since there are probably many of you shopping and decorating for Christmas this weekend, I thought I would preschedule this post in case you're looking for some inspiration for your Christmas decorating or gift wrapping. Enjoy and have a good weekend!

Just one of the ideas from's
Decorate Your Staircase for Christmas

Crafts for a Beautiful Christmas Mantel at

12 Different Printable Gift Tags from

I know it's probably in the "less economical" category, but I love these ideas for using more than one bow from Good Housekeeping. Maybe if you used inexpensive bows (Dollar Store)? :-)
Photo Andrew McCaul Styling Megan Hedgpeth

Unique Holiday Gift Wrap Ideas from Good Housekeeping
Photo Andrew McCaul

Memorable Gift Wrap Ideas from
Photo Tom Leighton

Fairly certain everyone has seen the Eddie Ross wreath by now, but just in case you haven't - the tutorial is HERE.

Easy Make Holiday Wreaths from Good Housekeeping.
Photo Frances Janisch

Remember the ornament cluster idea? I found this one at Southern Living with just a little different spin. They've used string rather than florist wire and attached it to an ornament hanger. Also used more/smaller ornaments for a little different look.
Southern Living Photo Monica Buck

Candeeiro Mikado

Candeeiro constituído por varias dezenas de pequenas ripas de madeira torcidas o que lhe confere um aspecto dinâmico e sensual. A luz por ele reflectido cria interessantes jogos de luzes e sombras, a leveza da sua estrutura confere-lhe um aspecto muito elegante. Aqui apresentamos os 5 modelos disponíveis, existem vários acabamentos possíveis. Vencedor do Prémio Design Plus em 2006, Frankfurt.
Encomende já / Order now:
Telf: 214 867 378
Lisboa / Portugal