So this little DIY project is all about this 6'3" x 8'6" closet in my guest bedroom. Prior to this house I lived in a
very small split-level for 15 years that had
no storage. Not exaggerating. So, when this house was being built, we had an option of having a larger basement bath or borrowing from that space to make this closet larger. I immediately chose the closet because I was SO determined not to be without storage again. In retrospect, I think I may have gotten a little carried away...
When we first moved in, my husband installed this white shelving all the way around the closet. Why? Because it's a closet. :-) We do have quite a few overnight guests, but the clothes they bring typically fit in a very small fraction of this hanging space. So, after about a year we (he) added the other two shelves so that we could store other "stuff" here.
In an effort to become more organized, and make better use of the space, I've decided to make this a craft room. Not that I'm a HUGE crafter at the moment, (I recently had someone ask me in the comments if I actually ever DO any of these DIY ideas I'm always finding for you all :-)) but I do some and would like to do more. I'm also hoping that if I have a dedicated space to have all my sewing things organized I'll do more of it and become better at it.
Now, this is PK we're dealing with so you know this isn't going to be an overnight transformation. Things happen a lot more quickly in my head than they do in real life, and I'm sure you've figured that out by now. I also need to decorate the guest bedroom at some point and want to tie it all together. But we have already modified the storage in here and installed a workspace.
I'll be showing that to you in some posts coming up later on.
Hope you're all having a great day!