Imagine my surprise and excitement when I saw a comment this morning that was left on my DIY Mudroom/Laundry Room Bench post by Holly at Homebody . She said that she had just been at the bookstore looking at magazines and was almost positive that she had seen my bench in a Better Homes and Gardens special interest publication (wasn't sure which one) and wanted to let me know (Thank you, Holly!).
Thinking there must be a newer issue of BHG Do It Yourself magazine than the latest one I had received in the mail, I headed off to Barnes and Noble to check it out. After realizing that their latest DIY magazine was the same as mine, I decided to look in BHG's Spring 2010 issue of 100 Decorating Ideas under $100 and there it was! As you can see, they didn't say it was my bench, but it IS my bench. :-)
I was also excited to see the numbered flower pot project right above it, because it's my blogging buddy Roeshel's.
(EDIT: There were some questions as to how they found my bench and why I wasn't given credit. As to how they found it: Some of you were wondering if they blog hop and I can't answer that. In my case, I had uploaded my bench photo to their site a while ago and had forgotten about it until now. I'm sure that's how they found it, and I'm flattered that they thought it was a project worth noticing. As to why they didn't mention my name like they did for Roeshel's, I'm assuming it must be because I go by PK rather than my full name? That's the only reason I can think of.)