Friday, March 9, 2007

Delaware Speedway Announces Operations Manager

DELAWARE, ON – The owners of Delaware Speedway are pleased to announce Jerry Wilcox to take the helm of Delaware Speedway as Operations Manager. Jerry will lead the speedway into 2007 managing top-of-the-hill operations and general speedway administration. Jerry will be working together with speedway sponsors and business partners.

“I enjoy a good challenge,” said Jerry. “I really look forward to working with everyone at Delaware Speedway and the business partners. Our business partners and fans are very important to us. My priority is to improve these operations by getting all parties working together at the speedway and food concession / speedway improvements. We need to move forward in 2007 with a fresh business program.”

Jerry lives by the motto; “a plan without action is a daydream and action without a plan is a nightmare.” He has already set to work forming an advisory committee with some of the speedway’s business partners to get their input on operations.

“The race program has been doing an absolutely fantastic job listening to its competitors for the last two years. Now the business side needs to do the same thing with its business partners. We need to work with everyone to make the whole business the absolute best it can be.”

Jerry brings a wealth of expertise to the position at the speedway with over 35 years of experience in the automotive and business sector. In late 1970s Jerry was a technical inspector for the Delaware Speedway Street Stock division. Later, in the early 80s, he worked with Tony Novotny as the first tech director of the CASCAR Super Series. Professionally, Jerry was sales manager with S.P.X. Corporation (Bear Automotive) for many years which helped develop and form his management skills. Jerry has worked on numerous Delaware racing vehicles over the years and has seen action as a competitor, employee and fan at Delaware.

Jerry will work hand and hand with race director Jeff Wilcox. As well, the speedway will also be working with racing industry experts who will be advising the facility on a consultant basis with the goal of improving operations.

The 2007 Delaware Speedway racing season will kickoff on April 28 with an APC Enduro 250.

By John Houghton / Delaware Speedway