At least the website is back.... NASCAR logo, on-site shots from last summer's CASCAR races and all. Hmmm.
The "About Us" page for the new "Griddly Games Inc." is especially entertaining.
"CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - Griddly Games Inc. is built on a foundation of operating excellence by adhering to a strong set of corporate values, and by adopting and implementing a number of corporate responsibility policies and practices. Acting ethically and responsibly and supporting the needs of others helps us build lasting relationships."
and the kicker....
"PHILOSOPHY - Deal honestly, openly and fairly with all people all the time."
I would write more, but I seem to have thrown up all over my shoes.... Maybe I'll wipe it off with the bankruptcy papers I received from Wolrige Mahon Ltd. (Trustees in Bankruptcy, Receivers, Liquidators". The one that says Headz Gamez Enterprises Int'l Corp. stiffed companies and individuals for $5,769,198.32
The site makes a big deal about some cartoon character doing "a major house cleaning". I wonder how cute that will be to all of the people who were burned by Headz Gamez Enterprises Int'l Corp.?
Here is the link to the "Comments" page for anyone who is interested.
UPDATE (1 p.m.): Inside Track has just been contacted by an individual representing Griddly Games Inc., who said that the new company (Griddly Games Inc.) has nothing to do with the old company (Headz Gamez Enterprises Int'l Corp.). The individual said that the major shareholder of the new company was the largest creditor of the old company and is attempting to pick up the pieces. We hope to arrange an interview with this individual in the next few weeks to further clarify the situation.