1 - Nikken Sekkei, Japan, http://www.nikken.co.jp/
2 - Gensler, USA, http://www.gensler.com/
3 - HOK, USA, http://www.hok.com/
4 - Aedas, UK, http://www.aedas.com/
5 - SOM, USA, http://www.som.com/
6 - BDP international, UK, http://www.bdp.co.uk/
7 - Perkins & Will, USA, http://www.perkinswill.com/
8 - Foster & Partners, UK, http://www.fosterandpartners.com/
9 - RTKL Associates, USA, http://www.rtkl.com/
10 - HKS Inc, USA, http://www.hksinc.com/
11 - P&T Architects and Engineers, China, http://www.p-t-group.com/
12 - NBBJ, USA, http://www.nbbj.com/
13 - Perkins Eastman, USA, http://www.perkinseastman.com/
14 - Smith Group, USA, http://www.smithgroup.com/
15 - Leo A Daly, USA, http://www.leoadaly.com/
16 - SMC Group, UK, http://www.smcgroupplc.com/
17 - KPF, USA, http://www.kpf.com/
18- Callison, USA, http://www.callison.com/
19 - Burt Hill, USA, http://www.burthill.com/
20 - Nihon Sekkei Co, Japan, http://www.nihonsekkei.co.jp/
2 - Gensler, USA, http://www.gensler.com/
3 - HOK, USA, http://www.hok.com/
4 - Aedas, UK, http://www.aedas.com/
5 - SOM, USA, http://www.som.com/
6 - BDP international, UK, http://www.bdp.co.uk/
7 - Perkins & Will, USA, http://www.perkinswill.com/
8 - Foster & Partners, UK, http://www.fosterandpartners.com/
9 - RTKL Associates, USA, http://www.rtkl.com/
10 - HKS Inc, USA, http://www.hksinc.com/
11 - P&T Architects and Engineers, China, http://www.p-t-group.com/
12 - NBBJ, USA, http://www.nbbj.com/
13 - Perkins Eastman, USA, http://www.perkinseastman.com/
14 - Smith Group, USA, http://www.smithgroup.com/
15 - Leo A Daly, USA, http://www.leoadaly.com/
16 - SMC Group, UK, http://www.smcgroupplc.com/
17 - KPF, USA, http://www.kpf.com/
18- Callison, USA, http://www.callison.com/
19 - Burt Hill, USA, http://www.burthill.com/
20 - Nihon Sekkei Co, Japan, http://www.nihonsekkei.co.jp/