The best way to poison (your enemy) of all is living well. Doing better than you did yesterday. Killing with kindness. But, genuine kindness.
Yesterday I wrote the biggest sale of the day, $19,000,00 in window treatments and bedding.
This is a tiny amount compared to what I used to sell in my own design practice.
This Is My Specialty.
Selling DESIGN - something that exist only in my head, And will never exist until an order is placed and a deposit paid.
Today I manager was short, curt, and it seemed like plain old angry with me. I try so very hard to I have discussed in previous posts.
I finally said to her ., "Sandra, I am sending you all good thoughts, pink puffs of love all day, and every day. And yet you are angry and short with me.
Of course, she looked at me like I was weird, and cocked her head. She was puzzled.
But you see, I am quirky.This is a big part of 'my charm'. Or so I have been told by those who love and LIKE me.
And yes, me who is ridiculously sensitive was crying a bit. But when I cry (even a little) my eyes and the surrounding skin turn really red and super blotchy. [No hiding that from the coworkers]
Later I was in her office .....Sandra said to me, " Why are you so overwhelmed ?"
"Maybe you should go home. You can't sell.."
I told her,"I am not overwhelmed, my feelings are hurt." And "I will be fine after a cigarette and a coffee."
I also said; "And just to spite you, I am going to make a big sale and get another house-call lined up !!"
She finally smiled
*photos from playbill
Renee Finberg 'TELLS ALL' in her BLOG.....
Interior Design, Palm Beach, Boca Raton,Design Sources, Window Treatments, Custom Design, Paint, Color Coordination, Online Interior Design, Floor Plans, All Custom