If you love wallpaper, but just can't commit to wallpapering a room, here are some ways for you to incorporate your favorite wallpapers into your decor.
(It seems like I've seen this somewhere, but I can't remember where, so if you've posted about it let me know!) Wallpaper the top of your desk with your favorite wallpaper and then have a piece of glass cut to protect it.
Framed Wallpaper Art
Framed wallpaper samples made by the The Crafty Nest
Purchase some great ready made frames to display your favorite wallpapers.
Wallpapered file cabinet made by Casey at Fossil
found in Martha Stewart's Fresh Start: Wallpaper Projects
(there's a great headboard here too!)
You could wallpaper the back of a cabinet like we saw in this post.
You could wallpaper the back of a cabinet like we saw in this post.
If your fireplace is sheetrocked, use wallpaper for a dramatic focal point.
Or paint the fireplace, then wallpaper the rest of the wall in a high contrast
paper like they did here.
Create a headboard like this one from Canadian House and Home
Create a headboard like this one from Canadian House and Home
Two of the ideas from BHG's Quick and Easy Wallpaper Projects
Mood Board Monday starts next week? Just something I'm thinking about...
Shopping Gift Card Giveaway ends Sunday, September 27th!