Sunday, September 10, 2006


The morning was spent in Flatrock Newfoundland, a wide-open country stage that gave the team a chance to really push the car. The team enjoyed lunch at Cape St. Francais School where hundreds of children flocked to the bright yellow Corvette for pictures and Mobil 1 stickers. The afternoon was a much tighter in town stage through Pleasentville Newfoundland. This gave the team the opportunity to maneuver the car around some tight winding streets. The evening came to a close with an overall check of the car mechanically, followed by a car show at the St. John’s Curling Club.

After two prologue stages Mark Swain (driver) and Mike Bell (navigator) have qualified 4th overall in the standings, and 2nd in their class. Both Mark Swain and Mike Bell are very pleased with their results and communication after the first day.

Cars will roll out for the 1st competitive stage of TARGA Newfoundland 2006 at 8:00AM Monday morning. Team TARGA Corvette would like to thank:

Mobil 1
Cole Engineering
Wilson Niblett Chevrolet
Hickman Motors
Inside Track Motorsport news.

For their continued support. Check back on Monday night for more photos and results from the first day of competition.