The storm came, and although it was not the hurricane we were expecting, it was very wet and windy on the eastern coast of Newfoundland today. Two of the five stages scheduled for the day were canceled do to storm surges that inundated the roadways. This was the first chance that Team TARGA Corvette had tried out their car on wet pavement, and they were pleasantly surprised. Instead of the rear wheel drive disadvantage that Mark Swain (driver) and Mike Bell (navigator) predicted, they clearly outperformed all of the other cars in the event. With Bell’s clear navigation, and Swain’s smooth driving they finished even further ahead of the pack adding 3 more seconds to their lead. With TARGA Newfoundland 2006 more than halfway completed, the boys are leading their class by a margin of 7 seconds.
Team TARGA Corvette would like to thank all of the towns involved in today’s event for their support despite the weather conditions, the officials responsible for making today a success, and our sponsors
Mobil 1
Cole Engineering
Wilson Niblett Chevrolet
Hickman Motors
Inside Track Motorsport news.
Carbotech Brakes
for their continued support in what is proving to be an exciting event. Please visit
http://www.targanewfoundland.com/ for more information.