Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Team TARGA Corvette Extends their Lead on Day 2

Day 2 in the TARGA Newfoundland 2006 Road Rally Race brought even more thrills and excitement. Early in the day the rear brake rotor cracked, and the Team TARGA Corvette was forced to drive with it through two difficult stages. The weather was dry and overcast as they sped though northern Newfoundland, making the wide-open stages even faster for Mark Swain (driver) and Mike Bell (navigator). The final run of the morning through leading tickles was the fastest stage of the day, with only one car narrowly missing a swim in the ocean as the cars sped into town. This run was a personal favorite for Swain and Bell who were lucky to perform a lightening fast rear brake rotor repair before the start of the stage.

Hundreds saw the car today as the event had a lunch stop in Leading Tickles, Meet and Greets in Lewisporte, Norris Arm and Appleton. A final car show in Gander finished the day for the team. Mark, Mike and the rest of the team handed out Mobil 1 pens, hats and Team TARGA Corvette stickers to the excited crowds.

Team TARGA Corvette made good on their promise this morning and gained even more time on their competition, extending their lead to 4 seconds. This is still a very tight race, and with the impending hurricane warning, anything could happen. Check back later to see if the boys were able hold onto their slim lead over Keith Townsend and Jen Horsey driving the 4-wheel drive Subaru in the wet weather.

Special thanks go out to Ernie Jakubowski for lending the Team TARGA Corvette his in helmet intercom system this morning. We would also like to thank our sponsors for their continued support.

Mobil 1
Cole Engineering
Wilson Niblett Chevrolet
Hickman Motors
Inside Track Motorsport news.