Friday, October 12, 2007

Brett Hearn Super DIRT Week Ruling Released

From DIRTcar Racing // Tom Skibinski, DIRTcar Racing NorthEast Public Relations Director

RE: Brett Hearn
Date of Violation: October 6, 2007
Track: Super DIRT Week X

This notice is notification of a penalty to DIRTcar 358-Modified competitor Brett Hearn. Mr. Hearn has been fined $1,000 for the use of an unapproved fuel log on his #4 car during the running of the Gould�s Pumps Salute to the Troops 150 at the New York State Fairgrounds on October 6, 2007. Mr. Hearn�s fuel log exceeded the stated outside diameter, in violation of rule 5.20.14 which states:

5.20.14 Only one carburetor fuel log will be permitted and is limited to a maximum outside diameter of 1�.
It was determined that the fuel log did not influence the outcome of the race.
Additionally, DIRTcar inspectors inspected the fuel cell of the car. The foam in the fuel cell appeared in excess of rule 5.20.8 which states:
5.20.8 Fuel tank must be fully foamed with just a minimal cut-out for filler. Cut-out may be no more than 6� wide x 10� long x 7� deep.
The foam cut-out in Mr. Hearn�s #4 was approximately 9� wide x 10� long x 9� deep.
However, after review of the fuel cells of additional teams and discussions with product manufacturer representatives, DIRTcar officials determined the dimensions shown in 5.20.8 do not represent a significant percentage of the factory-produced dimensions of foam as provided in the �DIRT Modified� fuel cell. DIRTcar will issue a bulletin reflecting the common dimension. As such, no penalties will be issued for the fuel cell foam.
Any questions on this or any other technical issues, please contact Cory Reed, Dir. Series and sanctioning, at (315) 834-6606.