Monday, October 29, 2007

Must have been an oversight...

For the past several weeks, Ford of Canada has dominated the Google AdSense banners that appear on this site. I assume this is intentional, on someone's part.

But we all know that the company doesn't have anything to do with Canadian motorsports. In the interest of keeping them on message, I've 'filtered' them out... at least for now... so that they can focus on other more exciting methods of marketing their products to Canadians. And the rest of us don't need to be constantly reminded that Ford of Canada wants nothing to do with 'us.'

Hurry hard.
UPDATE: Apparently it takes a few hours for the filters to kick in. So you better bookmark that Ford Escape website ASAP.
UPDATE 2: Or... how about clicking on their Google banner on this page (I'd appreciate it) and then find their CONTACT US page and send them an e-mail letting them know that you got there from their ad on the Inside Track page and that you'd appreciate it if they returned to Canadian motorsports.