Monday, November 5, 2007

Bourque raises morale of Canada's military members and funds for their families

From Pierre Bourque...


The General holding my helmet is Rick Hillier, Canada's Chief of the Defence Staff, photo taken while in Afghanistan two weeks ago. The banner, signed by all drivers and available NASCAR officials at Cayuga Speedway in September, is permanently stationed at Base Camp in Kandahar. A complete set of races from the 2007 Canadian Tire season was donated by James Robinson & Associates and is also permanently stationed at Base Camp.

My helmet was auctioned last night at a black tie affair at the Canadian War Museum attended by over 750 people. It went for $5,000, proceeds going to a charity to aid the families of our serving 
military members, and was donated back to the Chief of the Defence Staff, who promised to find an appropriate home for it at National Defence HQ in Ottawa.

You all had a part in this, I can't tell you how proud I was last night on behalf of our team and our sport. Thank you all very much.

- Pierre