Ferrari to supply engines in long term A1GP partnership deal as well as design chassis and consult on manufacture for new car in Season Four. Ferrari to supply engines to new A2GP Series in Season Five
London, Great Britain: A1GP Chairman, Tony Teixeira, has announced a truly historic and ground breaking partnership between Ferrari and the A1GP World Cup of Motorsport. Ferrari signed a six-year agreement to manufacture and supply all A1GP engines for this unique series and will design and consult on the manufacture of all A1GP car chassis for use in Season Four (2008/09).
The partnership with Ferrari extends to an exclusive licensing agreement for all A1GP merchandise to use the Ferrari name and phrase "Powered by Ferrari' from January 2008.
Commenting on the momentous deal, Tony Teixeira said: "Partnering with a world-class organisation like Ferrari will officially position A1GP as one of the most significant motorsport series in the world."
The introduction of A2GP was also announced today, a regional single-seat racing car series developed by A1GP to begin testing in 2009. Ferrari will be integral to the growth of the new series and will again supply all engines and design and consult on the manufacture of the new chassis.
A1GP also maintained its commitment to commercial partners and fans as a principal factor in confirming the partnership. "Ferrari will add significant value to our brand and in our opinion there is no better partner to progress the series," adds Mr Teixeira.
"We will be meeting with our commercial partners over the next few weeks to discuss the multitude of exciting opportunities that this partnership presents."
Finally Tony Teixeira notes; "Ferrari has a global presence through its dealer network. We will be working closely with them to ensure that they are a part of every A1GP World Cup of Motorsport event."
From A1GP